Danai Gurira



Danai Gurira was born in Grinnell*, the daughter of parents who worked at Grinnell College.  She spent her formable years in Africa before moving back to the states and becoming an actor.  Danai has won a multitude of awards for her work on the stage**, the small screen and the movies.  She is best known for her work on the Walking Dead and a couple of small indies films including Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame.  

* Two former NFLers Kirby and Jeff Criswell also came from Grinell

** Including a Tony nomination in Best Play for Eclipsed 

Personal Notes

So, it's awesome that she's in Walking Dead and Marvel movies because they have a multitude of card sets.  However, search for actors in these sets are difficult.  They typically aren't marked by the actor's name, rather a character.  Its easier to find Okoye, not Gurira.  So it takes some work, but its worth it in the end.

Collection Notes

I have 10/1100 (1%) cards in my collection.


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