Harrison Barnes



Harrison Barnes is a two time Iowa 4A State Basketball champion from Ames*, who went on to the NBA being drafted by Golden State in the 2012 NBA draft**.  Harrison won a title with Golden State, and also won a gold medal in 2016.  

* Harrison played with future NBAer Doug McDermott on the team

** Iowa Connections in the draft: Barnes (1.7 Ames), Royce White (1.16 ISU), Justin Hamilton (2.45 ISU) 

Personal Notes

Harrison Barnes is a fun guy to read about.  Born and raised in Ames, he has shown success all through his life.  Academic success, athletics success, business success, and life success.  I love this generation of young stars who have their athletic careers but put that privilege they have from it and use it to build careers outside of playing and use it to help others.

Collection Notes

I have 44/2279 (2%) cards in my collection.


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