2022 Goals: So much to do, but first Kirby Puckett!

 Nothing like being a week behind already to start 2022.  Everyone online has been tweeting and posting about their 2022 collecting goals since just before the New Year, and I'm only just getting around to it now.  Just like the trade offers sitting in my TCDB account, I will get to you when I can!

Goals being listed typically fall into three categories:

1. Organization

2. Acquisition

3. Growing the community

I've thought about what I want my goals to be this year, but I need to be honest with myself.  I will fail at 90% of my goals not from want or effort.  I just have grand goals that just don't work with work, family, and a reasonable budget.  (What, collecting every card of every person with an Iowa Connection isn't an attainable goal?)  First, I need to list all my major goals:


1. Reorganize card closet, buy appropriate boxes, and get those cards sorted!

2. Update TCDB with my Iowa Collection wants

3. Update TCDB with my trade bait (Done with Football through 2007, finish football, then baseball, then basketball, then racing, then other)

4. Update TCDB with my Twins/Vikings wants.

5. Update TCDB with my random collections (holograms, rookie cup, busts, etc)

6. Develop algorithm to determine my best/worst player collections


1. Focus on Iowa Collection, try to get into top 10 collections for most players (tougher for vintage)

2. Work on Twins from World Series years (1987/91)

Growing the community

1. Try to get a post or two a week.  

2. Tweet more

3. Start engaging with the community more (must break out of this introvert shell!)

All these are reasonable goals to have, but will take a lot of work.  In fact, I'm working on #2 in Organization, which is feeding my Google sheet to track where I sit in the rankings for EVERY IOWA CONNECTION!  Which is insane, and time-consuming, and I love every minute of it.  I'll update the blog as I get results.  (Let me tell you, the number of random Kirkwood College guys that have like 1 minor league card is both maddening and rewarding at the same time.)

However, the goal I'm going to have trouble resisting is one I didn't even list up there.  Now, before I was the Iowa Connections guy, I was a Kirby Puckett collector.  Still am, but I really have paused my efforts on it.  Perhaps burnout, him not appearing on many sets recently, perhaps because real life Kirby was not as fun as on the field Kirby :(

I really want to get that collection organized again, and see where I sit within the Kirby Puckett collectors community.  Am I in the top 10?  Am I top 5?  Will I be a disappointing 15th? Or worse?!!  I think I'm going to slow roll my TCDB update and make a few posts out of it.  Maybe get into how I started collecting him, the database I have built, and the dumb things I collect (this card mentions Puckett on the back, added to the collection!)

My goal is by the end of March, but I might actually get my Kirby's all in TCDB by the end of the year.  2022 will be the year I get something done!


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