TCDB Kirby Puckett Project: Card 1

 This blog was started with the intention of giving back to the collecting community.  I'm a collector of all things Iowa, and I have gathered all sorts of knowledge and tidbits that relate to this collection that someday someone else might enjoy or use for their own collections.  

I do have to admit though, its probably mostly for myself.  I can brain dump ideas here, and feel that all that time I spend researching Iowa Connections in the NFL playoffs is not a waste of time, its a blog post!

Well, despite the stated goal of making this exclusively an Iowa Connections blog, I have to be true to myself sometimes, which means that I'm going to start a series of post about my Kirby Puckett collection.  He was my first collection, and is probably my most in depth collection.

My first Kirby Puckett card was his 1989 Topps.  Looking at it now, I'm not sure this isn't the worst Kirby Puckett card there is.  Subject looks bored, the angle is off, and I'm just not that excited by it.  But it is historic, being the first in my collection.

However, it won't be the first Puckett I enter into my TCDb checklist online.  In fact, I'm not even sure what the first card will be!  I logged into the website and went to Puckett's page.  In fact, I already have 1 card logged.

The first card in my Kirby Puckett collection is....1988 Topps Sticker with Shane Rawley (Iowa Connection) on the front and Kirby Puckett back variation.  Woo!

Alright, I'm on the board now.  What place do I rank with my one card?  Unranked.  So lowly they don't even bother.  Well, I guess if you rank less than #1000, then they don't bother.  It will take 34 cards to reach #999, which is fitting because he was number 34.  

So today I'll catalog my first binder.  My binders have cards by year, and mostly have blanks where I'm missing cards.  This is probably out of date, but that's a project for another day.  Let's see where I rank after binder #1, 1985-1988.

Slight cheat, as one group of Star cards is actually 1989, but has a 1988 copyright.  However, there are others from this time period that I haven't entered in yet because they are either higher value (thus in cases), larger size, or some of the odder variations that I hadn't yet searched for (i.e. Donruss Leaf Inc. or Leaf Inc).

162 cards places me in 111th place, a mere 1644 cards behind first place.

There are 6 cards that are in my collection that I haven't seen yet in the checklist.  I'll probably wait until I'm finished to attempt to add them. They are:

1986 Donruss Highlights: White Text on Front variation
1986 Twins Team Issue #35: Team Photo (Not a Puckett card, but he's on it, so maybe?)
1988 Fleer World Series #9: Techincally a Hrbek card, Puckett giving a high-five on it.
1988 Fleer World Series #9 Tiffany
1988 O-Pee-Chee Sticker Back #52 : Ozzie Virgil #36 variation
1988 O-Pee-Chee Sticker Back #52 : Buddy Bell / Jeff Reardon #138/280 variation

Next up: 1989/90 Binder


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