2022 Topps has been found and I found him
Well, I finally caved. Unable to find 2022 Topps in the wild, I purchased two blaster boxes from Target.com and the defeat was complete. "But why?!" thinks the loyal reader, wondering why purchasing two boxes of cards at not jacked up rates from the ease of my home is defeat? Well, part of my collecting joy is the journey, not always the destination. I love to go to card shows and dig through boxes of cards to find that one weird card I've never thought I have. I'd love to have found these boxes in the wild and have a fun story about it, but sometime you can't complain that you had success in the way you weren't expecting. Speaking of the boxes, I know you are all wandering if I francoly pulled the card everyone is looking for, and yes I can successfully say that I pulled the Mitch Keller base Topps card. It was in in my third pack, and life can continue a bit longer now. All joking aside, I did not pull the Franco RC, but did find t...