DALL-E Baseball Card Fails

 While using DALL-E, it can create some interesting images, but the fails are pretty bad too.  Things melting into other things, faces being obfuscated badly, some slightly racist, and, well, baseball bats that look like other things (golf clubs at the best, male extensions at the worst).  Here are some that should go away ... but won't because I'm posting them here :)

I did Halem Renaissance as a style, which DALL-E decided  it meant African American players...this is the worst of them

Wrong, this was the worst

This guy is injecting baseball into his veins and becoming a ghost

Man, I'm glad it didn't put those lips on the Harlem Renaissance players

Bat for a hat and a heel

"I don't want to play baseball, hmph!"

Definitely a golf club

The bat is coming out "Aliens" style

Is that a crab leg or a bat?

Mask on, swing the bat like a scythe

I mean, that's a light saber

"No, we definitely did not scrap the internet for the words 'baseball card' and start with Wander's RC" 


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