Larry Ball

Profile Larry Ball was a linebacker for the Miami Dolphins, Detroit Lions and Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the 1970s. Born in Iowa City he attended Louisville before the pros. If you are really up on your NFL history, you'll note that Miami and Tampa Bay are unique in the 1970s by have the only undefeated season (Miami) and a winless team (Tampa Bay). In fact, Larry is the only player to play the full season for both teams*. * Something you don't see anymore, one other Dolphin was drafted in the expansion draft by Tampa, but retired instead of playing with Tampa. He opted to go to med school instead. Personal Notes So when I'm at a card show (sigh, I miss those), I did through a lot of dime boxes. When I run into a cluster of 1970s cards, I typically flip them over and go through the bio data, specifically college and birth place. I can't always remember the older guys (although I am getting better), so I'll ca...